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  • Pediatric Dentistry: 8 Children Oral Facts That You Should Know About
pediatric dentistry 8 children dental facts that you should know about

Seeing a child with a smile filled with healthy, beautiful teeth is heartening. But what parents and guardians need to know is that there is more to children’s oral health than basic dental care. What good oral care for children entails is no mystery—brushing, flossing and maintaining visits with our pediatric dentist near you are key to a healthy smile. But beyond that, here are some facts you should learn about children’s dental health. Some of these are tips that can help in enhancing the dental health of your child altogether.

Children Have a set of Twenty Milk Teeth

Milk teeth or primary teeth start appearing when a child hits 6 months. They continue erupting until a child turns 3 or 4 years old. Typically, they begin shedding off at age six, especially starting with the two central teeth in the upper and lower jaws.

Your Child Should Have All Baby Teeth By The Age Of Two and a Half

A visit to our dentist near you is required as soon as milk teeth appear. Making regular visits to our dentist when the child is still young makes them learn the importance of dental checkups as they grow old. They will thank you when they have healthy teeth later in life due to forming excellent habits at a young age.

Tooth Decay is a Prevalent Dental Disease in Children

According to a recent survey, tooth decay is the most prevalent and harmful dental condition among children around the globe. When it goes untreated while a child has milk teeth, it may spread to permanent teeth. It is worth noting that it can lead to other larger and more complicated dental problems.

Sports Can Cause Dental Injuries

Children participating in sports such as rugby, basketball, hockey, or football are generally more prone to dental injuries. Notably, such children may suffer cracked teeth and fractured roots. These frequent injuries can be solved by ensuring that your little athlete wears proper sports gear—a mouthguard during their activities. If a child suffers a dental injury during a game, treat it as an emergency and visit our dental clinic in West Edmonton.

Fluoride Protects a Child’s Teeth From the Inside

Fluoride is essential for cavity protection. It hardens tooth enamel and re-mineralizes teeth. It is beneficial in reversing the natural breakdown process caused by acidity in the mouth. Your child may start brushing twice daily after our dentist recommends fluoride toothpaste. In most cases, this usually occurs at the age of two.

Healthy Baby Teeth Lead to Adult Healthy Teeth

Milk teeth start to fall out around the age of 6 or 7. They are then replaced by permanent teeth, which stick around for a person’s entire life. Untreated tooth decay in baby teeth can lead to problematic adult teeth. Ensure your child’s teeth are healthy and cavity-free into adulthood. It will prove helpful to start early with good daily oral hygiene habits and regular dental visits to our pediatric dentist in West Edmonton.

Bacteria Can Set Off Diarrhea and Fever During Teething

Teething may cause sore gums, appetite loss, and disturbed sleep for children. Bacteria on fingers or toys chewed for relief during milk teeth eruption causes fever or diarrhea. You should take the child to a doctor if this occurs during teething.

Sugary Foods Will Ruin Your Child’s Dental Health

Brushing and flossing will not help keep your child’s teeth healthy if they habitually consume sugary items. Sugary foods, snacks and beverages will leave plaque on teeth, possibly leading to cavities. Instead, encourage your child to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of juice or pop.

Westside Family Dental provides dental care to everyone, regardless of age. Bring your child to our experts if you notice any dental problems arising.